Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Aunt Corinne and Chloe

Here I am last week hanging out with the C's (Aunt Corinne and Chloe). I had so much fun with them! They came over to my house to play, which is unusual because most of Mommy and Daddy's friends can't come over here because of my 3 furry brothers. I loved having Chloe over here to share my toys. We had a good time and I think Aunt Corinne is funny. She kept making faces at me and silly sounds!
You are my Everest!

This Boppy is so much fun to climb on! Look at this determination though...... I could climb around on this thing all day! I have since graduated to bigger and better things though. One of my favorites is climbing over Mommy or Daddy when they're playing on the floor with me. Even better is when I climb on top of them and stay there and plant myself on their backs. It is then that I have successfully tackled "Mt. Mommy" or "Mt. Daddy."
Mommy thinks I look like my cousin, Hunter, in the top picture.......
Bee Bo?

Mommy and Daddy have this silly book that they read to me: The Belly Button Book. These silly hippos call their belly buttons "Bee bos" and when Mommy and Daddy read it to me they use this silly, low voice to say the words "bee bo." My tummy is so chunky that I was having trouble finding my "bee bo" on this particular day......
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Labor Day weekend

It has been so nice having Mommy and Daddy home these last few days. We've had so much fun! I had my first bike ride today and I loved it! I could feel the wind blowing through the very few hairs on my head. Tonight I got to visit my friend Charlie. It was nice to finally be able to move around and hold my own when I see him. I can crawl and move around now, so he and I had fun playing with all of his toys. I hope we can get together more often. Long weekends are GREAT!
I told you I was in prison!

Abu Ghraib prison has got nothing on my house. What are Mommy and Daddy doing to me? Seriously, if you are holding on to "prison" bars and you are wearing your birthday suit, something is wrong in the world. I guess I should tell you the real story before you call child protective services on my parents. Mommy was changing my diaper and I decided to flip over and take off toward the gate. I am so fast that she should not catch me and I was off to the races. After I made it to the gate Daddy called Mommy off of my trail and got the camera. I don't understand why they were laughing so hard but they were really loud. Daddy said something about "this picture is definitely going to be posted." Daddy said it reminded him of all the pictures they show on CNN. Maybe Uncle Jeremy has something to do with that? I will have to call and find out.
On a side note, don't I have a great tushy? Yea.........I work out.
...and now I'm 9 months old!

That's right, NINE! 9! N-I-N-E! That is Daddy's FAVORITE number! To give details of THAT it would require another whole blog, but this is Daddy's favorite number, so I'm going to make this month extra special for him. I'm not sure what I'll do yet, but I'll think of something. Anyway, a visit to the doctor for my check-up proved that I am just as healthy as I look. I weighed in at a whole 20 pounds, 9 ounces (no joke!) and I was 28 1/2 inches long. I am in the 50 - 75 percentile for my weight and just below the 50% mark for my height. Mommy and Daddy aren't very tall, so I'll be content to stay around 50%. That's pretty good, considering the source. If you look really closely at the picture of me standing up, you can even see my first "pearly white." Being 9 months old is great!