Saturday, January 28, 2006

Kickin it old school!

Mommy and Daddy raided my Uncle Josh's room and stole his old Nintendo to teach me how to play. All I can say is Legend of Zelda is really hard for a 2 month old. Daddy says I am a natural at Mike Tyson's Punch out though. However, I must say I get quite frustrated playing Mario as you can see with this picture.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Oh yea, that's nice.

Mommy says I have to keep this site G rated so I put a blanket over my lower region. But as you can see by the look on my face, I just love being a guy and sitting around the house in my underwear. Come on, what guy doesn't sit around the house in nothing but underwear?

Cats are screwing up my ozone!

First Cooper tries to take my leather chair, now this HUGE beast cat is trying to take my couch. Seriously, just look at the size of this thing. I am close to 13 pounds and have a larger than normal head for my age and this cat makes me look like a hobbit.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hey chief! Get off of my chair.

Apparently Cooper thinks the leather chair is his. He keeps telling me he was here first. I don't care who was here first. This is my house now. He needs to respect my authority.

Not Fun

Can you believe this. I am already forced to go get ultra-sounds at 9 days and 6 weeks old. I am getting a whole lot better and by my 3 month ultra-sound I should be good as new....or as new as a 3 month old can get I guess.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Charlie hungry, Charlie eat head!

I have got an idea, let's take a baby that is teething and sit him right next to me. He won't try to eat my head at all. Oh no, he would not do that. Yea, very intelligent mom and dad. Next thing you know they will be hanging me out the balcony window like Michael Jackson's Blanket.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Victory is Mine!!

After about a month of trying, I finally got mommy with a shot of pee. I know it is not much, but I consider it a victory. However, she seems pretty happy considering I just peed on her. I may have to try again.