...and now I'm 9 months old!

That's right, NINE! 9! N-I-N-E! That is Daddy's FAVORITE number! To give details of THAT it would require another whole blog, but this is Daddy's favorite number, so I'm going to make this month extra special for him. I'm not sure what I'll do yet, but I'll think of something. Anyway, a visit to the doctor for my check-up proved that I am just as healthy as I look. I weighed in at a whole 20 pounds, 9 ounces (no joke!) and I was 28 1/2 inches long. I am in the 50 - 75 percentile for my weight and just below the 50% mark for my height. Mommy and Daddy aren't very tall, so I'll be content to stay around 50%. That's pretty good, considering the source. If you look really closely at the picture of me standing up, you can even see my first "pearly white." Being 9 months old is great!
Happy 9 months Carter, and a belated Happy 9/9.
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