I told you I was in prison!

Abu Ghraib prison has got nothing on my house. What are Mommy and Daddy doing to me? Seriously, if you are holding on to "prison" bars and you are wearing your birthday suit, something is wrong in the world. I guess I should tell you the real story before you call child protective services on my parents. Mommy was changing my diaper and I decided to flip over and take off toward the gate. I am so fast that she should not catch me and I was off to the races. After I made it to the gate Daddy called Mommy off of my trail and got the camera. I don't understand why they were laughing so hard but they were really loud. Daddy said something about "this picture is definitely going to be posted." Daddy said it reminded him of all the pictures they show on CNN. Maybe Uncle Jeremy has something to do with that? I will have to call and find out.
On a side note, don't I have a great tushy? Yea.........I work out.
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