Saturday, April 21, 2007

Forest Park

I got to go to this very cool place with things just my size today! Mommy, Daddy and I met Chloe and her Mommy and Daddy at the park. I had sooooo much fun! There were slides for me to go down (I've had lots of experience with those, so I was a pro), playhouses to play in, tables to sit in, bridges to cross, swings to swing in, steering wheels to turn, and bubbles to look through. All of that can really tire an almost 17 month old boy out! After we played for a long time, we took a really long walk down a path, over a bridge that crossed the highway and the river and then ate in downtown Noblesville. On the way back, the grownups got some ice cream, but they didn't share with Chloe and I. I am still a little upset about this now that I know how good that cold stuff can be. I was tuckered out when I got home and after a bath, went right to sleep. I just love a nice day with good friends!

Warm weather.......finally!

"Uncle" Todd bought me this cool new bubble blower yesterday. It has finally been nice enough to get outside and enjoy the weather, so I made a point to put on my Boston hat when I played with this new toy outside on the back patio. "Uncle" Todd was mowing his yard, so I know he got a good look at it. He's a Yankee fan. He and Daddy are still friends though.


Wheeeeeere's Carter?!?!? Here I am!!!!!!

Easter Sunday

Aren't I adorable in my Easter outfit? Mommy put me in and out of it all day long though. First I had it on for church, then she let me get comfy for my nap, then she put it back on me so I could get my Easter basket from the Easter Bunny, then she took me back out of it so I could eat and not get it messy, and finally she put me back in it to go over to my Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner. Easter Sunday, April 8th, was also my very cool Uncle Josh's birthday, so we celebrated in style at Grammy and Grandpa's house with Grammy's homemade turkey and noodles and a whole turkey dinner. I really like these holidays and birthdays! Mommy even gave me my first taste of ice cream (they say Uncle Josh is weird and doesn't like cake so for his birthday he got an ice cream cake......). That stuff is great!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Eggs!

We're getting ready for the Easter Bunny. Mommy says he will come to visit me tomorrow. We had to get our eggs ready for him today though. I had lots of fun, but I don't understand why Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me drink that bright pink, blue, and yellow stuff in the cup. Then they got the bright idea to decorate ME to look like an Easter egg. What do they think? Do my cheeks look like eggs or something?

Children's Museum on Good Friday = Bad Idea

We still managed to have fun, but BOY, was it crowded yesterday! Mommy and Daddy thought they were being so good about not going on the Thursday before because that was the day the museum is open to the public, but they had no idea what Good Friday would have in store for us. The line for non-members to buy tickets went half way up the walkway to the parking garage and we had to park 3 parking lots away. That should have given us a clue right then. However, we still braved the elements and headed inside. We finally made it up to PlayScape where I still managed to have a good time. I am getting tall enough to really play with the water and sand, as you can see. We didn't stay long, but I sure had fun!

Snuggle time with Mommy

Mommy and Daddy took their trip up to Chicago and they couldn't wait to get back home to see me. As soon as they got home, I started getting a little fussy. Mommy sure is quick, it only took her about 2 seconds to realize all of my fussiness was because of my new molar breaking through. It gave me some trouble there for a few days, but it's almost all the way through now. For those of you who are counting, that is my NINTH tooth. Daddy is so excited. I loved taking advantage of all this snuggle time though.

Spring time at the park

I had so much fun at the park the other day. I'm wondering where that nice weather went. Mommy got me some new sandals and I LOVE to wear them inside, but she says it's been too cold to wear them outside recently. What happened to that nice weather we were just having? I can't wait to get outside and play at the park again and in my backyard!

16 months in the Big Chair

I know you know the drill by now. Here I am at 16 months in my big chair. I think the chair is shrinking.....

Bubbles! Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles....

These bubble machines are GREAT! Mommy and Daddy don't even have to keep blowing them for me, I can do it on my own and everyone is happy!

Another Carter? That can't be!

We went to a Huskey dog show and you guessed it - there was a DOG named Carter! He was pretty cute though. I guess it goes without saying....

Can you see me?

Playing in the drapes ensures a good time to be had by all!