Saturday, April 07, 2007

Children's Museum on Good Friday = Bad Idea

We still managed to have fun, but BOY, was it crowded yesterday! Mommy and Daddy thought they were being so good about not going on the Thursday before because that was the day the museum is open to the public, but they had no idea what Good Friday would have in store for us. The line for non-members to buy tickets went half way up the walkway to the parking garage and we had to park 3 parking lots away. That should have given us a clue right then. However, we still braved the elements and headed inside. We finally made it up to PlayScape where I still managed to have a good time. I am getting tall enough to really play with the water and sand, as you can see. We didn't stay long, but I sure had fun!


Blogger Jason said...

I had a job at 30th & Capitol on Friday and drove by there around 10ish when they opened and the traffic was busy. Drove by there after noon and could not believe how busy it was, the parking garage was full and so were the adjacent parking lots. You were brave I must say.

9:02 PM EDT  

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