Thursday, June 21, 2007

My sister is born.....

It's official. She's here. Caidence Brooke was born on June 12, 2007 at 3:17 pm. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20 inches long.

She is great. Mommy and Daddy admitted to not knowing how I would handle being a big brother, but they tell me everyday what a great big brother I am to my "Sissy" and I even help take care of her. When Mommy and Sissy are not around, I call our their names looking for them. I just want to know where everyone in my family is. We are all getting along great. We've had lots of friends and family making yummy meals for us every single night so far. Mommy says she'll forget how to cook when this period is over. Who is she kidding? She rarely cooked anyway!

Here are some pictures of my Sissy and I in the hospital. I guess I'll be giving up my website now since it's in my name only. Daddy was prepared for this though and he already made a new website for the entire family. You can see the link over on the side of my site. It is: I'll be leaving my posts on there from now on so my whole family can be included.

I really love my Sissy. She has been a great addition to the family for the whole 9 days she's been alive. She's letting Mommy and Daddy sleep and most importantly - ME! She hasn't made me wake up once, which is good because Mommy and Daddy don't want to deal with 2 crying children at the same time. Anyway, she really has been a great addition. Mommy and Daddy are still debating about having a third child join our family someday, but I heard Mommy say that if this was the last child to join the Swart family, the family is perfect.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Family Picture

Here is our family just before Mommy and Daddy left for the hospital. We are such a happy family!

"Only Child Day"

June 11th, 2007 was called "Only Child Day" at my house. This was a fun-filled day of Carter-friendly activities, followed by tons of Mommy and Daddy snuggle time. Here are some pictures of me laughing at Daddy as we played peek-a-boo!


When I can't get to a splash park, the sprinkler can be just as much fun!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Another Splash Park!

I told you I love these things! This is the new park that just opened in Noblesville. This one had so many things to do - water spouts that I could drink out of, water sprayers that kids can "shoot" at each other, a very cool playground, football fields and even a concession stand! Mommy says we might go back today....I can't wait!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Splash Park

These things are the greatest!!!!!!!! I had so much fun at this one with Charlie! Mommy wasn't sure how I would react because I've been a little funny lately, but once I saw that water spraying around, I went straight for it! I was soaked and loved every minute of it! Mommy and Daddy are even taking me back to another park today. I can't wait!!!!!

Play time at Grammy and Grandpa's

We were over there the other night for dinner. I had so much fun on THEIR screened-in porch too! They were trying to be all prepared and already got me a birthday present (remember, my birthday isn't until the end of November) but we all decided I was ready to try out my new trike now. Grandpa and Uncle Josh put it together for me and then I wasn't sure how to ride it. I'm content pushing it around now, but Daddy sure did have some fun on it.

Grammy had just picked some fresh strawberries earlier that day and boy, are they better than the ones my mommy buys at the store! I went to town eating them straight from the bowl. Noone seemed to mind me putting my grubby little hands in there.

I was also introduced to my shadow. I don't know why I never discovered this guy earlier! I will have to keep an eye on him, he seems to be the sneaky type.....

Welcome Summer!

Summer is finally here! It has been awhile since I've been swimming in a pool, but that's just what Mommy and I did the first day she was out of school. We went over to Aunt Jay-Jay's mom's house and I hopped right in! I even put my face in and Mommy dunked me in all the way. I had a blast! I thought I was too big for my old "boat" from last year, instead I just played in Mommy's arms and on the stairs to the pool. I can't wait to go back! (Did I mention my Mommy's tummy is bigger than ever? As of the posting of this post, it will only be that big for 4 more days and then she will go to the hospital to have my little sister, Caidey!)

18 months in the Big Chair

Another month has gone by...... Remember when Bass was much bigger than me?

Beating my drum

More cute pictures......just playing with my drum from Uncle Josh!

Soooooo big!

Mommy and Daddy say I'm, "Sooooo big!" in my high chair now. When they first started putting me in this thing my head was still way below the top of the wood and my feet stuck straight out. Now my head is well above the chair and my feet go down and TOUCH!

Just hanging out.....

I just love being outside! I'm so glad we have a screened-in porch on our house. It lets me be "outside" while still having a roof over my head and staying cool. I can even come out here by myself and be contained!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just another spring day......

Aunt Jay-Jay

These strange people came over and tried to introduce the word "Yankee" into my vocabulary. Although I won't be becoming a Yankee fan anytime soon, I love spending time with my friends and new neighbors!

Super Carter!

Baby Belly.....

Mommy's belly is growing every single day! There isn't room for me on her lap any more, which upsets both of us. We'll get to meet my baby sister on June 12th, if not before. Mommy thinks maybe she'll go earlier than that. Something about this baby rocking her world from the very beginning....

Anyway, even though my baby sister has invaded my Mommy's lap, I still love her and love to snuggle with her. Here I am poking her (though Mommy's belly button) and giving her a big hug. I can't wait to meet her!

Big Shoes to Fill

These sure are big shoes to fill. I'll try my best!

My big smile

No, I'm not mischevious at all!

Uncle Josh

Now that Uncle Josh is home for the summer, he comes over all the time to play with me. I just love playing peek-a-boo!