Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just another spring day......

Aunt Jay-Jay

These strange people came over and tried to introduce the word "Yankee" into my vocabulary. Although I won't be becoming a Yankee fan anytime soon, I love spending time with my friends and new neighbors!

Super Carter!

Baby Belly.....

Mommy's belly is growing every single day! There isn't room for me on her lap any more, which upsets both of us. We'll get to meet my baby sister on June 12th, if not before. Mommy thinks maybe she'll go earlier than that. Something about this baby rocking her world from the very beginning....

Anyway, even though my baby sister has invaded my Mommy's lap, I still love her and love to snuggle with her. Here I am poking her (though Mommy's belly button) and giving her a big hug. I can't wait to meet her!

Big Shoes to Fill

These sure are big shoes to fill. I'll try my best!

My big smile

No, I'm not mischevious at all!

Uncle Josh

Now that Uncle Josh is home for the summer, he comes over all the time to play with me. I just love playing peek-a-boo!

Big Boy Room

I am officially moved into my Big Boy Room. Here I am running in and grabbing my Blankie from my new bed for the very first time. Mommy worked really hard last weekend to transfer my baby sister's things into the nursery (which is still blue, by the way!) and take all of my boy stuff out. I started taking naps in my new bed first and before Mommy and Daddy knew it, I was ready to spend all night in my new bed! I did really well and Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me! I've been sleeping in there for almost a week now. All we need now is my sister to take over my old room!

My new car

Let me do it, Daddy!

Monday, May 07, 2007

The Great Outdoors

Here are lots of pictures of me playing outdoors. So far May has been full of nice days. Mommy thinks that's just because her birthday is in this month. Anyway, I have had a blast playing outside! I love picking up the rocks over by the hose at my house, running in the yard, going up and down the slide and I just love pushing (or riding in) anything with wheels!

Lazy weekends

Lazy weekends with Daddy are the BEST!

Logan in so funny!

Logan and his mommy came over last weekend. They brought me his old crib to sleep in for a little while until Mommy and Daddy think I'm ready for my "big boy" (toddler) bed. I had so much fun playing with him! He is so much older than me, he taught me some fun things like how to play chase all over the downstairs at my house and how to throw a ball. He loved spending time with me too. His mommy is always saying that he needs a little brother or sister. I disagree with her. He can just come over and hang out with me whenever he wants!

17 months old

Here I am again. Another month, more pictures in the Big Chair!