We had a few warm days here last week and I got to go OUTSIDE! I discovered so many new things! Mommy and Daddy tell me that these things aren't really new to me, that I experienced them last year, but I don't remember. I will just let them keep telling me that if it makes them feel better. When I first went outside on that first warm day, I still had to bundle up. Don't I look handsome in my Boston Red Sox had, Uncle Todd? There was still a little snow on the ground, but it quickly went away the next day. As the snow finally melted, that meant I could walk in that green stuff. Mommy and Daddy call it grass. I wasn't too sure about it, but when Mommy ran out into the middle of our backyard, I just had to follow her. Turns out she led me to my playset! Mommy says it isn't much of a playset now because all it really has on it that I can play with is a slide (although they promise me a swing is in my near future), but that is really all I care about. I LOVE that thing! I quickly figured it out. I climb up all the stairs (all by myself) and then back my way down the slide on my tummy. Mommy and Daddy thought I was a really big boy and was being so cautious . That was before I got REALLY daring on that thing and tried to jump off the top of the slide (don't worry, Daddy was there to catch me) and walk down the slide. Turns out it's fun no matter what I do on it. Even later in the week, my friend Chloe came over to play on it with me. We REALLY had fun together!