Is December over already?

Wow! The month of December really DOES go by quickly! I have been so busy with Christmas, New Year's, and getting my new room set up that I haven't had a chance to post pictures in a whole month! Well, if you have been waiting for pictures, you're in luck. I found LOTS of pictures to post! This is just a collection of many pictures taken throughout the month of December.
I am such a big boy now and getting into everything. As you can see I have many teeth (6 for those of you that are counting) and crawling is really a thing of the past. I only do that when I am just way too tired to walk. I love walking all over the house though. Mommy and Daddy even had to expand my "baby jail" to give me more room to roam. The cats now have their very own "doggie" door (yes, doggie door - Daddy says Bass is too fat to fit through a kitty door so he had to install a doggie door) blocking me off from the laundry room and I get free reign of the family room and the kitchen. I love taking my "choo choos" and playing with them on the kitchen floor.
I am now officially 13 months old, but I will give you my stats from my 1 year check-up. I weighed in at 23 pounds and 3 ounces and measured 30 inches tall.
Reading is my very favorite thing to do right now. I have learned such a variety of words and really expanded my vocabulary through books. All I have to do is grab a book and crawl up in Mommy's, Daddy's, (or anyone else who is willing) lap and hand them a book. I snuggle in their lap and turn all the pages for them. All they have to do is read me the words! I'm starting to know some of the books by heart now though, before long I'll be reading to Mommy and Daddy!
Well, as you know I will be becoming a big brother this summer when my little baby brother or sister arrives (by the way, Mommy wanted me to let everyone know that the countdown is on - they should know if it's a brother or sister for me in about 4 weeks!). Anyway, because of that Mommy and expecially Daddy and Uncle Josh were busy this past weekend moving lots of furniture around. Uncle Josh was nice enough to let me borrow his old bunk beds and the rest of his furniture for a little while. Mommy (and again - expecially Daddy) did a great job on my new room. They painted it and now I can just use it as a playroom until it officially becomes my bedroom. Mommy still isn't sure when she wants that to happen though. Something about me being too little for such a big bed. I'm sure she will figure something out when the time comes though.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these pictures of me. Some of them are random from the month of December and others are from Christmas, both from Christmas with my Grammy, Grandpa and Uncle Josh and again with my Christmas at Mamaw and Papaw's house. There is even a picture of my new room in there too! Mommy wanted me to tell everyone that there could be some more Christmas pictures posted in the near future though, she just let Grandpa take most of the pictures on Christmas Eve when we were over there and she doesn't have those pictures on her camera yet.
Happy New Year! I know it will be a great year for me!
Carter Bracken
Carter welcome back to cyber world!! December is a fun and crazy month! Looks like you had a great Christmas too! And like me saw LOTS of family!!
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